Example Text
I remember being offered my first paid speaking opportunity to facilitate a workshop on compassion fatigue to my colleagues. I was excited. Excited for the opportunity to connect with my peers and grateful to be trusted to deliver an important message that could change lives.
While I love what I do, this speaking was a hobby and I learned the formula. and I want to teach it to youWrite anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.

Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?
If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.
Can I purchase coaching more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.